Again, hello. I would like to introduce myself to everyone who doesn't know me already and give you a brief synopsis of my background. I graduated from Texas A&M University in 1985 (don't do the math) with a BS in Microbiology. A few years after graduating, I was hired by Dr. Starr in the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology working in the nematology lab. A few years later, I began working in Dr. Ebbole's lab working in fungal genetics and learned a great knowledge base for molecular biology. I am now currently working at the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab as the diagnostician, diagnosing plant diseases. Over the years I have found a true passion for plant pathology and decided to pursue a MS in plant pathology. My research project pertains to finding avenues to controlling Phymatochicopsis omnivora, common name cotton root rot (CRR) on winegrapes.
I look forward to the team work with my fellow classmates and broadening my horizons. Sheila