Friday, November 30, 2012

Lab Summary: 10/31/12 Beer Making!!!

Compliments of Austin HomeBrew Supply, American Amber Ale kit . The use of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to begin the fermentation (a pathway for getting rid of NADH+ resulting in CO2 production and ethanol) of the following ingredients:

"The three most important ingredients":
#1 Water
#2 Yeast
#3 Barley/Hops

Continuous stirring of the provided malt extracts ........

Measure the specific gravity of the wort using a hydrometer prior to the fermentation: process, 1.052

Addition of the yeast.................

Microscopic view of yeast cells growing isotropically

Evidence of pure active yeast culture
Everything added and ready for the
fermentation process to take place

Evidence fermentation is working

 properly, CO2 production

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